
 The school semester started almost three weeks ago, online for forsure  and its pretty nice. I go to West Valley College, which is an Community College and I'm planing to transfer to an university. Since I am taking one class this semester, I still have to wake up pretty early but its going well so far, the class I'm taking is Marnie Bio. and I got a cute pet fish from my lab kit after the first lab was done we got to keep her and we got her a friend both girls they are adorable  are cute~. Their names are  Dyna'mite and Onyx! Dyna is a wild goldfish while Onyx is a more of a pet goldfish. I will share a picture 😁 below. Dyna'mite is the golden brown and Onyx is the blackish gold one hehe.

There not a lot of things going on our labs are not that big but I did started my brine shrimps lab and they are hatched and tiny forsure. I think they will get a bit bigger lol. But yeah I enjoying this class then regular Bio. and glad I taking something I can enjoy. My major is Liberal Arts & Humanities, and when I transfer Creative Writing. I love to write a lot. I want to write books, write scripts, ect. 


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